
Teenage Drivers

Witness the perils of letting teenagers drive.

I asked Olaf's step dad to look at it. Nothing's damaged except my paint job. Oh, and Middle Child's pride. Olaf's SD said not to bother fixing it until there's a few more dings and scratches. Augh! Don't say that! I guess it's only payback. My parents are probably rubbing their hands in glee and evilly laughing. Mwahahahah! I can hear it all the way from Vegas.


Jeni Allen said...

What a bummer!!! And at the same time the Neon Trees sold out. Curses!

Grandpa said...

Why would we laugh? You never dented the car until after you started college and bragged about being a "great driver!" I still don't understand how you backed into a pole along side the car.

Okay, I'm laughing now.

quilts and quirks said...

Oops. Oh well, it's all cosmetic.

Donna said...

It was a SHORT POLE! Auuggghhhhhh!

quilts and quirks said...

Don't let Dad get to you. He hit a telephone pole backing up. He was going really slow, thank goodness. It's amazing how you can laugh about some things later.

Lonita said...

The advice not to bother fixing it until there are more dings is good (at least I recall my early driving days, in which a scratch/ding like the one here was followed a week later by a fender bender...). Good luck!

Jeni Allen said...

Mac loves that Clayton did this. All Mac has done is put it in drive when he was suppose to be reverse. But he only went over a small bush and it bounced right back up.

Student Entrepreneur said...

The FUN!!! Ellen keeps telling me how she can take drivers ed this summer!!!!!