
Cell Phones for Teenagers

We did the unthinkable. We got First Born a cell phone. He is so excited and in the first week sent and received over 4000 texts. I don't know why he doesn't have callouses on those little fingertips. While he thinks he's cool and has pretty cool parents, however fleeting that thought is, we have ulterior motives.

Rule 1: Grades must be kept at B level or higher or the phone is confiscated.
Rule 2: Phone must be plugged in by 10 pm in our bedroom to prevent late night texting or the phone will be confiscated.
Rule 3: First Born must behave or phone will be confiscated.

I let him go in late to school last Friday and in the meantime he missed a quiz in Spanish, one of his harder subjects. I told him to make sure he studied over the weekend and it had to be taken on Monday. He ACTUALLY took the quiz on Monday before he came home. I was shocked! The last time he missed a Friday quiz it took him almost two full weeks to get around to taking the quiz. Despite other parents objections, I LIKE the cell phone and how it twists his arm in the right direction.

1 comment:

sally said...

Smart. I'm all about using rules so they can get what they want. Currently it doesn't really work on the 2 yr old.