
Job Offers

I have been madly applying for jobs, trying to get that perfect job for me and my family. Granted the perfect job doesn't exist! Part-time at my discretion all while paying me $40 an hour. But I have been searching for a great job where I can make good money. I know that many people like working for themselves, but it's not all that it's cracked up to be. I am looking forward to Paid Time Off, Paid Holidays, Benefits, 401k, the occasional free lunch, and maybe even some travel to exotic locations (getting back at the hubby and all his business trips to great places like Vegas & Reno). I have now turned down three jobs. Count them, 3! The first one wanted to pay me $10 an hour!! I would make more and have a more flexible schedule at Target and get an employee discount. The second one was more Office Manager and less Accounting. I decided with that one that I needed to actually get a real accounting job before I spread out to other things. The last one was a great job with decent pay. The only problem was that I needed to start TOMORROW! I could see the note on my door in the morning for all my daycare parents:

"Thanks for letting me tend your kids for the last 10 years, they have been great. I got a job and will not longer be tending your sweet children. Sorry for the short notice but my new employer doesn't seem to care about my loyalties and will not be upset when I leave him with a 1 day notice." Talk about burning bridges!

In the meantime the march continues. I will let you know when that semiperfect job becomes available!

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