Awesome Things I Love About Living in a Smallish Town
- Seeing someone you know every single time you go to the store, even when dressed in jammies or with messed up hair or on a no-shower day.
- A next-door neighbor chasing a 2am would-be car thief (of another neighbor's car).
- Kids playing on same soccer/football/baseball team as their neighbors.
- Kids being able to walk or ride bikes to almost all their friends houses.
- The old man that staffs the crosswalk on E Canyon Road who waves to everyone in town as they drive by.
- Your neighbors bringing in your garbage can when you're out of town.
- Your kids going to school with your schoolmates friends' kids. And for that matter, your kids having the same teachers as you.
- The inability to take an evening walk without seeing and visiting with a minimum of three friends.
- Knowing at least a few of the employees at every single store in town.
- Mentioning I live next to J. Lee Butler's field and instantly everyone knows where I live.
- Kids playing night games in the summer with their friends.
- Leaving my windows open and not worrying (not that there is no crime in town, because that would simply be naive to believe that and I have even been the victim of crime in this house.)
- Knowing lots of people in the annual City Parade and getting seats by yourself to watch the parade but still seeing nearby lots of friends.
- A minimum of three wedding announcements on my fridge in any given month.
- The "$1.75 Worms" sign on Canyon Road that's been there longer than I've been in town.
- And mostly this awesome car that lives around the corner from me! I just might have to go knock on their door and beg for a ride.
That is so funny - the car! I do love coming to visit - I love the 'small' town feel. Even though it is getting big!!
loved your blog article. Amen to smallish towns. I love ours. and now we have a new high school. A fresh start, new school colors, a mascot, and new traditions. Exciting times in Small town USA
P.S. I 'm stealing your song 652 Say Hey-okay?
Awww...I miss that old man! He always made the mornings better.
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