
Trimming the Tree, Boy Style

It was that time of year. That time when you start getting the the Christmas decorations out of storage and spreading them around the house. I had bought a new tree last year and was anxious to put it up for the first time. It's a cute tree with red berries and pinecones attached to the branches. And it went up really smoothly. The branches have "Memory." That's fancy talk for saying all the branches and twigs spring out on their own and I don't have to spend half a day unflattening all the branches.

The I got the decorations out and let the kids go. I had them put on all the ornaments this year. I've always let them help but this year I had them do everything. They were pretty excited.

I had gotten most of the ornaments out but hadn't gotten to the ones that I still store in the original box. The kids took care of that. They pulled the ornament and all it's packing out and threw everything on the floor except for the ornament. That went on the tree.

The kids were pretty dang proud of how well they did decorating the tree. I don't know if it was decorating so much as quickly hanging the ornament on whatever branch they happened to be closest to at the time. It's not so noticeable in this picture, but notice the overabundance of ornaments on the bottom of the tree and the lack at the top.

I came in later and removed the 3+ ornaments on each bottom branch and spread them out over the whole tree. In case you were wondering, the box of ornaments was on the floor near this side of the tree.

Notice how the tree becomes exponentially less decorated the farther up you look. It's really quite fascinating. If I was a mathematician I may have been able to figure a formula for the amount of ornaments on each level of branches. I can't help but think of weird things like that. Aren't you glad I don't talk a whole lot?


sally said...

I personally like the photo of Cole running from the tree.

Donna said...

They were having too much fun and not enough seriousness while decorating.