

10 years ago. . .

1. I started my homebased daycare
2. Had two young children at home
3. Had just bought a house
4. Lived in Spanish Fork, Ut
5. Had been married for 5 years

5 Things on my "To-Do List" today. . .
1. Make dinner
2. Clean up dinner
3. Take Baby to Soccer
4. Take Middle Child to Guitar
5. Go to work

5 Snacks that I enjoy. . .
1. Diet Coke
2. Chocolate
3. Triscuits
4. Brownies
5. Cookies

5 Things I would do if I were a Millionaire. . .
1. Invest so I could quit working
2. Travel the world
3. Build a house, nothing huge and fancy
4. Donate to something I felt important at the time
5. Buy a Mini Cooper

5 Places I have Lived. . .
1. Ventura, CA
2. Cedar Rapids, IA
3. Ames, IA
4. Spanish Fork, UT
5. Manhattan, KS

5 Jobs I have had. . .
1. Assistant Manager of Copy Store
2. Dough Master at Pizza Hut
3. Phone Operator/Office Employee at Target :)
4. Tastee Freez employee
5. Bar Tender at a local Bowling Alley

I Tag Sister-in-Law Fashionista (Nesha, that's you!)

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